Directions to Beaver Meadows Ranch Resort
Click on the map above for directions
We recommend motorists have either snow tires, tires with the mud/snow (M+S) designation, or a four-wheel/all-wheel-drive vehicle as well as have snowchains/autosocks on board. Always call ahead to get current road conditions if you do not have a vehicle with those items. We do not provide tow services.
Click here for directions from Denver International Airport
Click here for directions from Cheyenne, Wyoming
DIRECTIONS: As you exit Denver International Airport, you will already be on Pena Blvd. Pena South to I-70 West. I-70 to I-270 West, I-270 to I-76 West, I-76 to I-25 North.
Take the HWY 14 exit (Mulberry Street) from I-25 heading west into Fort Collins, or Owl Canyon Road (I-25 Exit 281) heading West. Turn north onto HWY 287 (College Avenue), go north on HWY 287 for 21 miles to Livermore (you’ll want to be watching for The Forks Restaurant, located on the west side of the Highway). At Livermore, turn left onto Red Feather Lakes Road (aka. County Road 74E).
Continue on Red Feather Lakes Road (aka. County Road 74E) for approximately 24 miles until you come to Red Feather Lakes. Continue past the Red Feather Lakes turn-off (Prairie Divide Road) until you see the Pot Belly Restaurant on the north side of the road. 1,000 feet past the Pot Belly, the road bends to the north, turning into Creedmore Lakes Road (aka. County Road 73C). After 1 mile, Creedmore Lakes Road (aka. County Road 73C) will turn into a dirt road. From this point it is 3.3 miles northwest to the Beaver Meadows Resort Ranch entryway. You will see a log sign with our logo. Follow the entryway to the main parking lot and check-in at The Gift Shop & Office (or the Stables for horseback rides).
Red Feather Lakes is 110 miles from Denver (2.5 hours from DIA), 54 miles from Fort Collins (1 hour and 15 minutes), and 60 miles from Cheyenne (1 hour 15 minutes). Fort Collins is 65 miles from Denver (north on I-25 about a 1.5 hour drive from DIA). Driving time from DIA to the resort is about 2.5 hours.